3. Duties of the Ministry

3. Duties of the Ministry

  • 3.0. The Ministry fulfils the following duties in accordance with the directions of activity specified in these Regulations:
  • 3.0.1. with relevant government agencies to identify priorities for the development of the industry, to ensure the preparation and implementation of state programs and development concepts;
  • 3.0.2. submit proposals on the improvement of state regulation mechanisms in the relevant area;
  • 3.0.3. taking into account the advanced international practice, to ensure the proper application of scientific and technological achievements in the relevant area, to coordinate innovative activities for research, development, use, improvement of high technologies, with other relevant government agencies to take necessary measures in this field;
  • 3.0.4. to co-ordinate the activities of state bodies, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities related to the relevant fields of activity;
  • 3.0.5. to represent interests of the state in the cases and in the manner prescribed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in enterprises operating in the relevant area with a state share in the charter capital;
  • 3.0.6. to develop public-private partnership in the relevant area;
  • 3.0.7. except for the cases determined by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to participate in the formation of a tariff policy on the issues related to the activities of the relevant field, make proposals on tariffs regulated by the state in this area, to implement the agreed international tariff policy in the relevant area, to approve international traffic tariffs and charges in accordance with the applicable international regulations, as well as to monitor the tariffs applicable to services that are not regulated by the state in the relevant area, to give recommendations to the relevant authorities about it;
  • 3.0.8. to implement appropriate measures for the protection of state secrets and confidentiality in the relevant area, as well as implement security measures in accordance with the activity areas;
  • 3.0.9. to carry out the function of the state customer in the relevant field in the cases and in the manner prescribed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • 3.0.10. to carry out customer functions in the construction funded by the state in cases and manner specified in the Town Planning and Construction Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • 3.0.11. to make proposals for the construction of facilities of state importance in the relevant area;
  • 3.0.12. to participate in the work of committees on privatization of state-owned enterprises that are under its subordinate;
  • 3.0.13. except for the cases determined by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to coordinate the interaction of means of transport in transport junctions and to take measures for the development of mixed transportation;
  • 3.0.14. to issue permits directly or through an organization within its structure and monitor compliance with permit conditions envisaged in Articles 5-8, 31, 32 (except for the cases where permission slips for the vehicles of foreign states are given at the state border checkpoints), 33, 35, 36, 38-41, 34 and 37 (except for the cases determined by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan) of the Annex 3 to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Licenses and Permits” -“List of Permits for Entrepreneurial Activity” as well as cases approved by Decree No.292 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 12, 2005 the “List of central executive authorities issuing special permits for circulation of items may belong to certain parties of civil circulation and circulation which is allowed only on the basis of special permission (with limited civil circulation)” and in the cases determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to grant a special license and exercise control over the compliance with permit conditions for goods (work, facilities, results of intellectual property) subject to export control;
  • 3.0.15. to exercise control over the compulsory insurance of passengers of air, water and railway transport in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on “Compulsory insurance” on compulsory private insurance for transport accidents;
  • 3.0.15-1. to organize the registration of the operator of international passenger and freight transport by road;
  • 3.0.16. to make proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the procedure, program and duration of special preparation for taxi drivers;
  • 3.0.17. to approve guidelines for technical service stations (sites) providing repair and maintenance services for vehicles;
  • 3.0.18. to cooperate with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and other international organizations in the field of civil aviation, to participate in their work, as well as to work in cooperation with relevant agencies of foreign countries, to exercise control over the compliance with the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan regulating the relations arising in the field of civil aviation, international standards and recommended practices, as well as to provide  information on the existing differences between the normative legal acts in the field of civil aviation and ICAO Standards and Recommended Practice;
  • 3.0.19. to form the aviation market on a competitive basis;
  • 3.0.20. to implement a unified state policy to ensure the airworthiness of civilian aircraft;
  • 3.0.21. to make proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the opening (closing) of civil airports, airdromes, helipads for international flights;
  • 3.0.22. to issue permissions to aircraft to carry dangerous goods over the airspace of the country;
  • 3.0.23. to define requirements for air navigation, telecommunication, information and meteorological services for aircraft operations in the airspace and airports of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • 3.0.24. to define requirements for the recognition of certificates, licences and other similar documents in connection with civil aircraft, airports (airdromes) and civil aviation entities issued by competent authorities of foreign countries;
  • 3.0.25. to approve technical requirements, rules and instructions for the safety and exploitation of other vehicles in the territory of restricted area of civil aircraft and airports for all civil aviation entities regardless of their legal organizational status or form of ownership;
  • 3.0.26. to approve requirements for the health status of individual categories of aviation specialists as well as their professional training level and examination;
  • 3.0.27. to ensure the control of the port and the flag control in relation to ships sailing under the State Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • 3.0.28. to organize a maritime navigation safety system and to control over the compliance with the rules in maritime navigation in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • 3.0.29. to approve technical requirements and rules for the maintenance and operation of ships;
  • 3.0.30. to submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan draft rules for awarding naval ranks;
  • 3.0.31. to approve requirements for the construction, operation, repair and re-equipment of facilities, vessels, marine equipment and other structures;
  • 3.0.32. to give opinion on the construction of sea transport facilities, including ports and cargo terminals;
  • 3.0.33. to approve normative legal acts in the field of maritime safety, human life and health at sea, marine environment;
  • 3.0.34. to implement the activities for the organization and management of high technologies parks;
  • 3.0.35. to implement measures with relevant government agencies to ensure information security and data protection;
  • 3.0.36. to grant special permit (license) for provision of telecommunications services, creation and maintenance of biometric technologies, formation of information resources of personal data and creation of information systems and provide services to them, grant license to cellular (mobile) communication services (indicating technological standard), to monitor compliance with the requirements and conditions of the license;
  • 3.0.37. to define the form and terms of the license agreement in cases and in the manner provided for by law, to conclude a license agreement;
  • 3.0.38. to exercise control over compliance with the license conditions specified in the license for carrying out activities by a license holder provided for in Article 6 of Annex No.1 to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Licenses and Permits” (except for cases arising from state security), in case of non-compliance the license conditions by license holder to send a valid evidence to the authority issuing licenses for suspension and cancellation of the license;
  • 3.0.39. with relevant government agencies to provide control over the formation of service markets for communications and high technologies certain services, to analyze services markets, to determine specific requirements for the activities of dominating operators and service providers;
  • 3.0.40. with relevant government agencies to determine the quality of services, including Internet services for communications and high technologies , as well as exercise control over the quality of services of business entities functioning in the relevant area regardless of their ownership and legal organizational form;
  • 3.0.41. to determine the rules for the connection to the public telecommunications network and use it, to define policy for the development of the network, its improvement, cost-effective and reliable usage;
  • 3.0.42. to participate in the regulation of the use of radio frequency resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan and their protection;
  • 3.0.43. to exercise control over the mutual accounts for international load (traffic) and mail exchange with telecommunications operators and postal operators of foreign countries in accordance with the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs), the acts of the Universal Postal Union;
  • 3.0.44. to define the terms of interconnection among operators, regulate the activities in this field, take measures to resolve the disputes;
  • 3.0.45. to define the rules for allocation and utilization of number resources of Azerbaijani segment (country code) for single telecommunications network and international telecommunications network of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in accordance with these rules to control the implementation of Number Portability between operators;
  • 3.0.46. to regulate registration and use of country code top-level domain names in accordance with international standards with the participation of relevant bodies;
  • 3.0.47. to conduct registration of mobile devices;
  • 3.0.48. to define the rules for use of radio frequencies, radio electronic facilities and devices in this field, control their implementation and conduct monitoring of electromagnetic field of telecommunications devices;
  • 3.0.49. to define the classification, organization, quality, term, and other requirements of universal telecommunications services and to take necessary measures for oversight services;
  • 3.0.50. to make recommendations in order to coordinate the activities of operators, service providers, other legal entities operating in the field of communication and high technologies and individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities;
  • 3.0.51. to carry out certification of telecommunications equipment and facilities;
  • 3.0.52. to take necessary measures to control the activities in the field of postal and financial services;
  • 3.0.53. to define rules for the development of state postage stamps, approval of nominal value and copies, their printing, putting in circulation and withdrawing from circulation and exercise control over this field;
  • 3.0.54. to define postcodes for postal facilities in Azerbaijan Republic and standards for control-transition periods and monitor the quality of postal services;
  • 3.0.55. to approve general rules for providing universal postal services and define quality standards;
  • 3.0.56. to ensure stable operation of telecommunications networks in emergency situations, toward this end to develop plans for collection of material resources and to participate in their implementation;
  • 3.0.57. to develop and implement necessary measures for providing the population in all settlements of the country with quality and reliable telecommunications and broadband internet services;
  • 3.0.58. to take necessary measures for the development of postal service and postal financial services;
  • 3.0.59. to organize radio and television broadcasting, as well as digital television broadcasting in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the concerned authorities;
  • 3.0.60. to develop and implement necessary measures with other relevant government agencies in order to expand country’s transit information corridor, to coordinate the activities of local and foreign operators in this field, to attract investments, to ensure international support ;
  • 3.0.61. to take necessary measures in order to increase the capacity of alternative and sustainable connection to the global information and telecommunications network;
  • 3.0.62. to expand the network of regional data centers and to implement the organization of information services;
  • 3.0.63. to develop and implement necessary measures for the expansion of research in the field of high technologies with concerned authorities, to improve the efficiency and application of the results in relevant areas;
  • 3.0.64. with relevant government agencies to develop and implement necessary measures for the expansion of scientific and technical research on nuclear technologies, increase the efficiency and application of the results in relevant areas;
  • 3.0.65. to expand the use of high technologies in the areas of production with relevant government agencies, develop proposals for the development and manufacture of high-tech and knowledge-intensive products and take measures for their implementation;
  • 3.0.66. through  subordinate authorities to implement the promotion of innovation activities, provide assistance to local business entities in acquiring of state-of-the-art technologies and technological solutions and organization of their transfer, support of innovative researches, financing of innovative projects (including startups), promotion of innovative initiatives;
  • 3.0.67. to analyze the state of cyber security in the country on an ongoing basis, coordinate the activities of information infrastructure entities in the field of cyber security, provide information to the public, private and other organizations on current and potential electronic threats when using electronic means, render them technical and methodical assistance, with national internet operators and relevant government agencies to take preventive measures to prevent global cyber attacks in the common internet traffic incoming in the country;
  • 3.0.68. to develop and implement necessary measures with relevant government agencies to prevent external intrusion into the country’s airspace;
  • 3.0.69. with other relevant government agencies to verify the compliance of collection, processing and protection of personal data in the information systems included in the state register with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Personal Data”, as well as with the declared objectives of information systems of information and methods of their use;
  • 3.0.70. with relevant government agencies to carry out audit of the security of information systems and networks in order to detect and prevent electronic threats;
  • 3.0.71. to organize protection of facilities in the field of telecommunications and high technologies and participate in the elimination of emergency situations;
  • 3.0.72. to establish special telecommunication networks of state bodies, to take measures with relevant state bodies on technical support and security of such networks;
  • 3.0.73. to provide the development, management, and operation of e-government portal;
  • 3.0.74. take the necessary measures to develop e-government;
  • 3.0.75. organize the exchange of information between information systems and resources of government bodies through the e-government information system, as well as the provision of e-services through the e-government portal;
  • 3.0.76. to ensure the development of electronic signature infrastructure, implementation of its management and supervision in this field, to maintain records of certification services centers;
  • 3.0.77. take measures to implement the e-government project and establish information systems and resources;
  • 3.0.78. to keep state register of state information resources and information systems of personal data;
  • 3.0.78-1. provide the management and organizing the activities of the Government Cloud;
  • 3.0.79. take measures for the exploitation of information resources and systems of government agencies, building the necessary infrastructure and forming standards through the creation of a Government Cloud together with the relevant government agencies;
  • 3.0.79-1. organize the storage of state information resources and systems in the data center of the Ministry, as well as the use of the Government Cloud;
  • 3.0.79-2. ensure the formation and maintenance of state information resources and systems in the data center of the Ministry, as well as in cloud service models based on cloud technologies, as well as a technological environment for organizing electronic services;
  • 3.0.79-3. take measures to ensure the security of the Government Cloud together with the relevant government agency;
  • 3.0.80. define technical requirements related to the formation, management, integration and archiving of state information systems and resources;
  • 3.0.80-1. in order to organize and improve the services provided by government agencies in electronic form, implement the following:
  • 1. get acquainted with information systems and resources of government agencies, take measures related to the organization of services provided in electronic form;
  • 2. define the technical requirements for the provision of electronic services;
  • 3. carry out evaluations on the organization and provision of electronic services in government agencies, as well as the organization and operation of information systems and resources of government agencies and prepare references and reports on the results;
  • 4. provide methodological and practical assistance to government agencies in the provision of e-services;
  • 5. analyze the comments and suggestions received from citizens regarding the electronic services of government agencies and forward information to the relevant state authorities;
  • 3.0.80-2. provide opinion on technical and effective aspects of projects submitted by government agencies related to information systems and resources, as well as electronic services;
  • 3.0.81. to make proposals on the quality standards for public services;
  • 3.0.82. to maintain records of operators and providers of internet telecommunication services;
  • 3.0.83. to take measures provided for by law on the placement of prohibited information in the Internet information resources;
  • 3.0.83-1. in accordance with  articles 7 and 14.2 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the protection of children from harmful information” when obtaining information about movies, TV and video films (including animation films), computer and other electronic games broadcast through Internet information resources that are unlabeled or labeled with violation of the requirements of this Law, independently organize analysis of this information products through the Electronic Security Service under the Ministry;
  • 3.0.84. to restrict access to the Internet information resources in cases and manner prescribed by law;
  • 3.0.85. to establish rules for control over the content of the information, compilation of the list and its application on the “List of information resources containing information, dissemination of which is prohibited” and organization of interaction between host and Internet providers;
  • 3.0.86. to make proposals for the coordination and integration of information systems, resources and registers for the development of “electronic government” and improvement of electronic services;
  • 3.0.87. to inform the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan twice a year on the measures taken for making government services available online and their integration into the “Electronic government” portal;
  • 3.0.88. to create electronic management systems and information systems in the relevant area;
  • 3.0.89. based on the information of the operator of sports betting games in the Republic of Azerbaijan, to ensure that necessary measures are taken to prevent the activities of the internet portals and sites of both domestic and foreign virtual vendors of sports betting games operating without a contract with the operator of sports betting games;
  • 3.0.90. to ensure that the relevant seller is restricted in the territory of the country, if he does not allow buyers (customers) and authorized state bodies to become familiar with the information envisaged in Article 5.3 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Electronic Commerce”;
  • 3.0.91. to develop and implement necessary measures in order to eliminate the digital divide in the use of information technologies among different groups of population, between urban and rural settlements;
  • 3.0.92. to develop and implement necessary measures with concerned authorities relating to the development of knowledge-based economy, as well as new forms of socio-economic activities (e-commerce, telemedicine, telework etc.)
  • 3.0.93. to develop and implement necessary measures with concerned authorities on the development of national internet resources;
  • 3.0.94. to detect and prevent the services organized but not complying with the existing rules and standards in the relevant area and take measures with appropriate authorities;
  • 3.0.95. to prevent monopoly activity and unfair competition of economic entities in the relevant area, form a healthy competition environment and take joint measures with relevant public authorities for the protection of consumers’ rights;
  • 3.0.96. with relevant government agencies, to improve investment climate in the relevant area, to make proposals for investment incentives and take measures to attract local and foreign investment;
  • 3.0.97. to study the demand for highly qualified personnel in the relevant field, to provide staff training, to take measures to train specialists for their additional training;
  • 3.0.98. to participate in the development of state standards and classifications in the relevant area;
  • 3.0.99. to take measures for taking into consideration the recommendations of international organizations in its activities in the relevant area;
  • 3.0.100. to ensure the implementation of international treaties to which Azerbaijan is signatory;
  • 3.0.101. to ensure the organization and provision of electronic services specified by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • 3.0.102. to ensure the implementation of human rights and freedom and prevent their violation;
  • 3.0.103. to ensure the efficient use of the budgetary funds, loans, grants and other financial resources allocated to the relevant area;
  • 3.0.104. to coordinate the work of agencies within the structure of the Ministry and subordinate agencies of the ministry and exercise control over their activities;
  • 3.0.105. to analyze the activities and financial condition of agencies included in the ministry’s structure and subordinate bodies that are not included in the ministry’s structure, submit proposals on how to improve the efficiency of their activities and take measures, to develop projections of socio-economic development, including estimates of revenues and expenditure and exercise control over their implementation;
  • 3.0.106. to inform the population on its activities, creation of its website, placing of public information on its site as defined by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on public information disclosure and ensure the updating of the information on a regular basis;
  • 3.0.107. to ensure the participation of the public in its activities and cooperation with private sector and institutions of civil society;
  • 3.0.108. to develop and implement necessary measures for the improvement of labour safety and working conditions in the field of activity;
  • 3.0.109. to ensure social and cultural welfare conditions of workers in relevant area ;
  • 3.0.110. to implement measures to improve the structure and activity of the Ministry;
  • 3.0.111. to consider the applications and complaints related to the activity of the Ministry, respond to them in a timely manner and take other measures;
  • 3.0.112. to perform other functions defined by the acts of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.