Digital government

Main operation principles and importance of digital government

  • In recent years, the formation of digital government (in English Digital Government) is considered one of the the accelerating factors in the development of democracy in developed countries.
  • Digital government through the use of modern information technologies creates the conditions for government agencies to provide information and electronic services to all citizens, legal and physical persons, foreign citizens and stateless persons living in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Basic principles of digital government:

  • Compliance with the requirements of current legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Implementation of state policy in the field of informatization, protection of state and national interests;
  • Ensuring the completeness, reliability, relevance, security, protection of information provided to users and obtaining it in a simple and quick way;
  • Division of powers and duties among government agencies


The significance of digital government:

  • Expanding the introduction of modern technologies in the field of public administration and increasing the level of activities carried out, simplifying access to them;
  • Increasing the efficiency of government agencies and local government bodies and improving the quality of  electronic  services provided;
  • Optimization of electronic services provided to users by government agencies and  simplification of their implementation  procedures;
  • Ensuring the authenticity, completeness, reliability of information provided to users through electronic services, as well as free access to it;
  • Maximum reduction in the time spent to search and obtain information at the user’s request;
  • Acsess to the electronic services offered throughout the country regardless of the user’s geographical location.
  • By taking advantage of the opportunities of the virtual space, state-of-the-art technologies, high level of informatization in government agencies, the digital government serves to provide services provided to citizens of the country in a qualitatively new form.


Major advantages of  digital government

1. For the government

  • Improving the rationality of the activities of government agencies through the widespread use of modern technologies;
  • Reduction in budget expenditures, reduction in the period and expenses in the provision of public services;
  • Formation of a single information space for government bodies and ensuring its security;
  • Creation of effective, transparent, controlled public administration and local self-government.


2.  For citizens:

  • Active citizen participation in public administration;
  • Simplification of communication between citizens and public authorities, making this communication more accessible and responsive way;
  • Convenience in satisfying information needs;
  • Provision of access to public services for people with disabilities.


3. For business sector:

  • Rational and prompt establishment of relations with government agencies, cost reduction;
  • Enhancing economic activity, competitiveness and access to external markets.