Reception days


Rashad Nabi oghlu Nabiyev


Fridays of the second and fourth week of each month

16:00 - 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Rahman Dursun oghlu Hummatov

Deputy Minister

Thursdays of the second and fourth week of each month

16:00 - 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Samir Gachay oghlu Mammadov

Deputy Minister

Mondays of the second and fourth week of each month

16:00 - 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Javid Ganbar oghlu Gurbanov

Deputy Minister

Tuesdays of the second and fourth week of each month

16:00 - 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Elmin Fikret oghlu Mammadov

Deputy Minister

Wednesdays of the second and fourth week of each month

16:00 - 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Sameddin Fakhraddin oghlu Asadov

Deputy Minister

Tuesdays of the first and third week of each month

16:00 - 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Yashar Bashar oghlu Hajiyev

Chief of Staff

Wednesdays of the first and third week of each month

16:00 - 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Asif Alif oghlu Ismayilov

Deputy Chief of Staff

Fridays of the first and third week of each month

16:00 - 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Bakhtiyar Nariman oghlu Mammadov

Deputy Chief of Staff

Thursdays of the first and third week of  each month

16:00 - 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)



Department heads:

Head of  Human Resources Management Department

Mondays of the week

16:00 – 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Head of Transport Policy Department

Tuesdays of the week

16:00 – 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Head of Transport Regulation Department

Wednesdays of the week

16:00 – 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Head of Technological Development Department

Thursdays of the week

16:00 – 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Head of Finance Department

Fridays of the week

16:00 – 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Head of Strategic Development and Economic Analysis Department

Mondays of the week

14:00 – 16:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Head of International Cooperation Department

Tuesdays of the week

14:00 – 16:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Acting head of Legal Department

Wednesdays of the week

14:00 – 16:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Head of Internal Control and Audit Department

Thursdays of the week

14:00 – 16:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Head of Project Management Department

Fridays of the week

14:00 – 16:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Digital Development and Innovation Department

Mondays of the week

14:00 – 16:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)

Head of  Department for  Work with Documents and Appeals

All working days

09:00 – 18:00

+99412 598 58 58 (222)


Note: Receptions that fall on holidays and national days of mourning are postponed to the next working day.

          Privileged persons are received out of turn.

          Contact number: 012 598-58-58 (222)