2. Activity areas of the Ministry
- 2.0. The Ministry carries out activities in the following areas:
- 2.0.1. participates in the formation of a unified state policy in the relevant field and ensures the implementation of this policy;
- 2.0.2. carries out state regulation, state control and coordination in the relevant area;
- 2.0.2-1.implements tariff policy on issues related to the relevant field, except for cases determined by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- 2.0.3. carries out international cooperation in the relevant field;
- 2.0.4. determines priorities for attracting investments into the relevant field and takes other measures to stimulate investments;
- 2.0.5. together with relevant state bodies, ensures the development, implementation and management of investment projects of international and local importance in the relevant field;
- 2.0.5-1.takes measures to identify priorities for the application of digital technologies, expand the use of digitalisation and innovation, achieve sustainable technological development of the existing information infrastructure, and improve public services and management processes in the digital environment;
- 2.0.6.grants licenses and permits for the implementation of entrepreneurial activity in the relevant field in the cases and manner provided for by law, exercises control over compliance with license and permit conditions;
- 2.0.7. makes proposals for the development and increase the competitiveness of all transport corridors passing through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- 2.0.8. monitors the flight safety of civil aircraft, aviation security, as well as the compliance of civil aircraft with environmental protection requirements;
- 2.0.9. organizes the marine safety system;
- 2.0.10. ensures the development of telecommunications, including wireless technologies, broadband Internet, post, satellite communications, space activities, radio and TV broadcasting, as well as the efficient use of radio frequencies;
- 2.0.11. participates in the creation and expansion of transit information highways and nodes and regional information services;
- 2.0.12. together with relevant government bodies, develops and implements scientific-technical and innovation policies for high technologies;
- 2.0.13. with relevant government bodies implements measures to strengthen the potential of high technologies sector, to encourage the development of competitive high technologies, knowledge-intensive, low-cost products and services and innovative businesses;
- 2.0.14. together with relevant government agencies carries out work to organise the development and use of space technologies and nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes;
- 2.0.15. participates in the development and implementation of policies in the field of information security, prevention of global cyberattacks, and protection of national electronic information resources;
- 2.0.15-1. together with relevant state bodies, takes measures to implement Internet governance, as well as to ensure information security of broadcasting, management of air space and radio frequency spectrum, and prevention of global cyberattacks;
- 2.0.16. together with the relevant state bodies, takes measures to ensure the establishment, operation and security of special-purpose telecommunications networks of state authorities, including the construction of the space segment of those networks;
- 2.0.17. takes measures related to the development of e-government;
- 2.0.17-1.organizes the activities and use of the Government Cloud;
- 2.0.18. provides the development of e-signature infrastructure and its wide use;
- 2.0.19.develops and implements measures for the development of the information society;
- 2.0.20. exercises control over the efficient use of state property in the relevant field and ensures the protection of the state interests;
- 2.0.21. implements policy-making activities in the relevant field;
- 2.0.22. implements measures for the development of the relevant field.