5. Organization of the Ministry’s activities
- 5.1. The Ministry’s administrative staff, bodies within its structure and subordinate bodies that are not part of its structure (legal entities, organizations, etc.), as well as the relevant executive authorities of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic form the unified system of the Ministry. The Ministry carries out its activities directly and through the mentioned bodies.
- 5.2. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan determines the structure of the Ministry, the total number of the employees of the administrative office of the Ministry and the bodies within its structure. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan approves the list of subordinate bodies (legal entities, organizations, etc.) that are not part of the structure of the Ministry.
- 5.3. The Minister of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as “the Minister”) is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Minister is personally responsible for the performance of duties and exercise of rights assigned to the Ministry.
- 5.4. The Minister has five deputies appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Deputy Ministers carry out the duties assigned to them by the Minister and are personally responsible for this.
- 5.5. Minister:
- 5.5.1. organizes the activities of the Ministry and heads it;
- 5.5.2. allocates responsibilities between his deputies, determines their powers and those of other Ministry officials on staffing, personnel, finance, economics and other issues, and ensures reciprocal activity;
- 5.5.3. adopts regulatory legal acts in the form of resolutions on approving the regulations of the structural subdivisions of the Ministry’s staff, bodies within its structure (except for bodies whose regulations are approved by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and its scientific and technical council, as well as on issues not related to the authority of the Board of the Ministry in paragraph 5.11 of these Regulations;
- 5.5.4. approves regulations of the structural subdivisions of the bodies within the Ministry, submits for approval the regulations of subordinate bodies of the Ministry that are not part of its structure;
- 5.5.5. within the limits of the established structure, salary fund and the limit of the number of employees, approves the structure, staff table of the Ministry’s administrative office, the bodies within its structure and subordinate bodies that are not part of its structure and their cost estimates within the budget allocations;
- 5.5.6. appoints and dismisses the staff of the Ministry, heads, deputy heads and other senior officials of the bodies within its structure and subordinate bodies that are not part of its structure (except the bodies whose heads are appointed and dismissed by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic), takes incentive measures and administrative penalties in relation to them;
- 5.5.7. adopts non-legislative acts in the form of orders and instructions, organizes their implementation and checking, as well as implementation and checking regulatory legal acts adopted by the Ministry, and exercises control over this;
- 5.5.8. annul decisions of the Ministry’s officials that contradict the legislation;
- 5.5.9. represents the Ministry in relations with government agencies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, legal entities and individuals of the Republic of Azerbaijan and foreign countries, as well as international organizations, conducts negotiations, signs relevant international documents within the powers granted;
- 5.5.10. makes proposals for the formation of the state budget and extra-budgetary funds for the respective year on issues within the competence of the Ministry;
- 5.5.11. ensures that the funds allocated from the state budget are spent for its intended purpose;
- 5.5.11-1. as a controller of the allocated funds from the state budget and extra-budgetary funds, distributes financial resources, taking into account the limit of allocated funds, ensures the provision of bonuses to official salary, financial assistance, bonuses to employees of structural subdivisions of the Ministry, the bodies within its structure and subordinate bodies that are not part of its structure;
- 5.5.12. approves the Chairman of the Appeal Board, on the basis of the presentation (proposals) of the Chairman of the Appeal Board – other members of the Appeal Board, the head and composition of the Secretariat;
- 5.5.13. assigns the qualification grades of the chief civil-service adviser and below to the employees of the Ministry, who are civil servants.
- 5.6. The bodies within the Ministry and subordinate bodies that are not part of the Ministry bear direct responsibilities for performing the tasks and functions assigned to them.
- 5.7. The Minister may delegate part of his powers, or the temporary exercise of his duties, to one of his deputies.
- 5.8. A board is established in the Ministry, consisting of the Minister (Chairman of the Board), deputy ministers, head of the relevant executive body of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and other senior officials of the Ministry. Specialists and scientists may also be included in the Board of the Ministry.
- 5.9. The number of members and composition of the Board of the Ministry is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
- 5.10. The Board of the Ministry at its meetings discusses the issues related to the activities of the Ministry and adopts relevant decisions.
- 5.11. The Board of the Ministry adopts the following regulatory legal acts in the form of resolutions:
- 5.11.1. regulatory legal acts governing the Ministry’s relations with other persons (entities);
- 5.11.2. specific regulatory legal acts, the adoption of which is entrusted to the Ministry by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- 5.11.3. single (joint) normative legal acts regulating the activity of several state bodies;
- 5.11.4. regulatory legal acts which are subject to approval by respective state bodies;
- 5.11.5. regulatory legal acts provided for in sub-paragraph 5.5.3 of these Regulations, which have been submitted for discussion to the Ministry’s Board at the initiative of the Minister;
- 5.11.6. regulatory legal acts on repealing or amending the regulatory legal acts adopted by the Board of the Ministry in accordance with sub-paragraphs 5.11.1 – 5.11.5 of this Regulation.
- 5.12. Meetings of the Board of the Ministry are authorized with the participation of more than half of the members of the Board. Resolutions of the Ministry’s Board are adopted by a simple majority of votes of its members. If the vote is a tie when adopting the resolutions of the Board of the Ministry, the vote of the Board chairperson is considered decisive.
- 5.13. In the event of disagreement between the members of the Board of the Ministry, the Minister implements his decision by informing the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan about it. Members of the Board of the Ministry may send their personal opinions to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
- 5.14. Representatives of other executive authorities and organizations as well as non-governmental organizations may be invited to the meetings of the Board of the Ministry.
- 5.15. Scientific and technical councils, Internet development councils and other public councils may be established in the Ministry on a pro-bono basis to study and implement scientific and technical achievements and best practices in the relevant field.