4. Rights of the Ministry

4. Rights of the Ministry

  • 4.0. The Ministry has the following rights to perform its duties:
  • 4.0.1. exercise the rights arising from standard-setting activities in the relevant area;
  • 4.0.2. take the initiative to support the accession of the Republic of Azerbaijan to international treaties in the relevant field;
  • 4.0.3. forward enquiries to state and local government authorities, physical persons and legal entities about necessary data (documents) and receive such data (documents) from them in the relevant field;
  • 4.0.4. give opinions on the relevant field, conduct analyses, generalization, monitoring and studies, prepare methodological and analytical materials, as well as recommendations, make proposals, and identify priorities to remove shortcomings;
  • 4.0.5. engage independent experts and specialists, consulting organizations, scientific institutions in its activities on a contractual basis, and establish working groups and commissions on a voluntary basis, within the limits of the resources provided for this purpose;
  • 4.0.6. participate in international events, including forums, conferences, exhibitions and other events, as well as organize such events both at home and abroad;
  • 4.0.7. study the relevant experience of foreign countries, organize and carry out cooperation with the relevant bodies and other institutions of foreign states, international organizations, foreign legal entities and natural persons, conduct negotiations and participate in negotiations, prepare or participate in the preparation of draft international agreements;
  • 4.0.8. In order to ensure the efficiency of international and local traffic, make proposals for the establishment, expansion, closure and other improvements of bus terminals (bus stations), railway, air and sea ports in accordance with the procedure established by law;
  • 4.0.8-1. carry out activities on design, construction, reconstruction, maintenance of railway transport infrastructure, including railway tracks and administrative buildings, development of its material and technical base, current maintenance of road infrastructure;
  • 4.0.9. in order to ensure efficient management of transport, expand the use of appropriate information technologies, create information systems suitable for the areas of activity of public and private organizations, and regulate, evaluate and integrate their activities;
  • 4.0.10. make proposals regarding the approval of samples of civil aviation uniforms, insignia and wearing of uniforms;
  • 4.0.11. make proposals for improving relations between transport modes and with freight owners, operators, freight forwarders, agencies and other organizations at transport hubs;
  • 4.0.12. request information from public institutions carrying out activities in the field of transport in accordance with the established procedure on their activities and take appropriate measures within its powers;
  • 4.0.13. determine the directions of research, development, design and engineering research work financed from the state budget;
  • 4.0.14. taking into account international experience, implement measures to assess and improve the quality of transport services provided throughout the country;
  • 4.0.15. support innovation initiatives (startups) in the field of high technologies, hold competitions, promotional activities, seminars and trainings;
  • 4.0.16. demand that state bodies, legal entities and individuals involved in the collection, processing and protection of personal data, eliminate cases of violation of the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Personal Data”,  take joint measures together with relevant state authorities to bring to justice the persons who have violated the requirements of the law;
  • 4.0.17. present employees working in the field of communications and high technologies, as well as in transport agencies under its subordination to state prizes and other awards, to take measures to motivate them; to establish a periodical, issue special bulletins and other publications;
  • 4.0.17-1. gain access to the information systems and resources of government bodies, study the service process of  these government bodies  and make relevant proposals for the development of appropriate software related to the electronic organization of services provided by government  agencies;
  • 4.0.17-2. act as an initiator, executor or customer of projects related to the organization and improvement of electronic services;
  • 4.0.17-3. when creating information systems and resources to be used in the organization of electronic services in government agencies, monitor their implementation in accordance with approved projects, technical regulations, standards and requirements, and take a direct part in their commissioning;
  • 4.0.17-4. submit proposals to government institutions for connections to the infrastructure created for the purpose of information exchange between information systems of government agencies, and monitor their provision;
  • 4.0.17-5. collect proposals from government institutions related to the organization and improvement of electronic services, analyze them and give opinions;
  • 4.0.18. exercise other rights defined by the acts of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.