
Public participation in distribution of ITF permits to national road carriers fully ensured

Public participation in distribution of ITF permits to national road carriers fully ensured

The distribution of International Transport Forum (ITF) multilateral annual permits for 2023 to national road carriers took place. Public participation was ensured in the process. Representatives of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, Azerbaijan Land Transport Agency (AYNA), Azerbaijan International Road Carriers Association (ABADA) and carriers took part in the distribution.


The aim is to stimulate entrepreneurship in road transport, create favourable conditions for national carriers to become more competitive on the international transport market, and  prevent monopoly by ensuring transparency.


Speaking at the event, Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transport Rahman Hummatov said that over the past year the number of carriers has increased, the fleet of vehicles used in transportation has grown, and the respective market shares of Azerbaijani carriers have increased. “Compared to the same period last year, the number of carriers has grown from 107 to 208. Last year the number of vehicles was 3,432. This year there are more than 8,000,” added the deputy minister.


The deputy minister noted that the increase in the number of vehicles was due to market transparency, registration of ‘shadow’ carriers, resumption of activities of inactive carriers, transition of some of them from the domestic to the international market, and the import of vehicles.


Rahman Hummatov noted that more than 2,500 drivers participated in professional competence trainings organized by the Training Centre of the Azerbaijan Land Transport Agency (AYNA). A total of 8,000 drivers will take part in the trainings.


For 2023, the quota of ITF permits for Azerbaijan is set at 1,490. AYNA has managed to increase the number of permits by 270 compared to 2022.


ITF permits allow unlimited international freight traffic to 43 European countries per year. This type of permit is distributed to carriers that meet the requirements of the Quality Charter.  Carriers and drivers are required to meet criteria relating to business reputation, financial standing and professional competence, and vehicles must meet technical and environmental standards in order to operate with ITF permits.


These requirements are fully met by 84 carriers in Azerbaijan. ITF permits have also been distributed to these carriers.


AYNA will monitor the use of these types of permits and quarterly data will be provided to the International Transport Forum.


It should be added that the training requirements for drivers engaged in international transport are defined in the “Rules for admission to international passenger and freight transport by road” of the Cabinet of Ministers. According to requirements, driver training and retraining is compulsory. AYNA Training Centre and partner organizations organize training sessions for this purpose. Trainings are conducted by highly qualified and experienced teaching personnel and trainers based on a curriculum approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


It should be noted that carriers who have not started driver competence training will not be able to participate in international freight transport from 8 April 2023.