
Presentation of the 2024 Roadmap for the Implementation of Improvements and Communication in the Relevant Area of the "Utilities (Internet)" Indicator has Taken Place

Presentation of the 2024 Roadmap for the Implementation of Improvements and Communication in the Relevant Area of the "Utilities (Internet)" Indicator has Taken Place

The presentation of the 2024 Roadmap for the implementation of improvements and communication in the relevant area of the "Utilities (Internet)" indicator of the Report issued by the World Bank Group “Business Ready” has been hosted in the Radisson Baku Hotel on July 24, 2024.

Speaking at the meeting, Head of the Secretariat of the Business Environment and International Ratings Commission, Vusal Shikhaliyev shared the relevant Roadmap, consisting of 3 main columns with the implementation of over 20 measures towards further improvement of the regulatory framework for Internet connection, Internet security, transparency of tariffs and connection requirements, interaction of utilities, preliminary declaration of planned Internet shutdowns, etc.

Shahin Babayev, Head of the Working Group on the Internet Connectivity and Internet Infrastructure of the Business Environment and International Ratings Commission, Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transportation, mentioned in his speech that the Working group completed analyses and diagnostics based on several components of the "Utilities (Internet)" indicator of the Report issued by the Business Ready Group. According to him, based on these analyses and relevant proposals, a Roadmap has been developed.

The Deputy Minister stressed that as an interested party in the implementation of the Roadmap, informing business representatives and the public, as well as their active participation in the process of preparing and implementing reforms and creating favorable opportunities for presenting opinions will foster the effectiveness of the set of measures to be undertaken in this area.

The speakers brought to the attention of the event participants the importance of the Roadmap and the upcoming tasks for its implementation.

It should be mentioned that current Roadmap has been approved by the Chairman of the Commission on Business Environment and International Ratings on July 9, 2024.

It should also be noted that the leadership of the working group on internet connection and internet infrastructure of the Commission is carried out by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport.