
Ministry representatives attended 21st EaPeReg Plenary Meeting

Ministry representatives attended 21st EaPeReg Plenary Meeting

The 21st plenary meeting of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network (EaPeReg) took place in Dublin, Ireland, on 24 May.

The meeting was attended by over 50 representatives of telecommunications regulators from 19 countries. Azerbaijan was represented at the event by Sevinj Veliyeva, representative of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport and General Coordinator of the network under the ministry, and Ravil Isgenderov, representative of the Information and Communication Technologies Agency (ICTA).

At the meeting, the representatives of this year's EaPeReg chairperson Georgia (ComCom) and deputy Ireland (ComReg) informed about the work done in the first half of 2023. Reports on the activities of the leaders of all three working groups of the network were also heard. The Network Work Plan was brought to the attention of the participants.

The event was also attended by leaders and representatives from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Council of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), the European Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG) and the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) of the European Commission, who gave speeches on areas of cooperation with EaPeReg.

MDDT representatives informed the participants of the event about the Information and Communication Technologies Agency, established in Azerbaijan to perform regulatory functions. It was brought to the attention that within the framework of Azerbaijan’s cooperation with the Network an event on key regulatory issues will be held in Baku in September this year.

It was noted that additional meetings are planned to be held with ICTA in order to better assimilate the recommendation documents implemented within the 1st phase of the EU4Digital project through the network. In this regard, an agreement was reached with the EU4Digital team.

The meeting also discussed the planning of a four-party summit with BEREC–EaPeReg. Moldova’s candidacy for the chairmanship of EaPeReg in 2024 was put forward and supported by the meeting participants.

In conclusion, it was mentioned that the 22nd EaPeReg Plenary Meeting will be held in Georgia.