
Azerbaijan represented at the Internet Governance Forum in Japan

Azerbaijan represented at the Internet Governance Forum in Japan

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was held in Kyoto (Japan) from 8 to 12 October. 

The forum was attended by about 9,000 participants from 178 countries, including representatives of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport (MDDT).

Bakhtiyar Mammadov, Deputy Chief of Staff of the MDDT, spoke at high-level leaders’ sessions and the closing sessions of the 18th Internet Governance Forum. He informed the participants of the event about the work done in our country on Internet governance and possibilities for joint cooperation.

During the meeting with Vinton Cerf, one of the founders of the Internet, views were exchanged on the development of information technologies in Azerbaijan. Vinton Cerf noted that he had good memories of the IGF held in Baku in 2012.

After the forum session on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), a meeting was held with Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union.

It should be noted that the Internet Governance Forum is a global multi-stakeholder forum on the rapid transformation of society as a result of the development of the Internet and digital technologies. The IGF annual meeting brings together stakeholders from around the world to discuss the most pressing Internet governance trends and challenges.