News - Public Council

Meeting held at Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies with internet providers

News - Public Council
Meeting held at Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies with internet providers

On the initiative of the Public Council under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, a meeting was held to discuss the current state and future tasks related to the development of internet services in Azerbaijan.

The event was attended by members of the Public Council, officials of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, mobile operators operating in the country, internet providers, representatives of business entities engaged in entrepreneurial activities in this field.

The meeting participants were informed in detail about the measures taken by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies to improve internet access in Azerbaijan, make the internet more accessible for users, as well as upgrade the existing infrastructure and the challenges ahead.

During the discussions, answers were given to questions of interest to representatives of business entities in this area, and their suggestions were heard.

They also discussed the importance and aspects of developing public-private partnership to further improve the provision of internet services, quality and tariffs of internet services. Providers were informed about the importance of providing users with stable, high-quality and uninterrupted internet services, and quickly responding to problems.

In conclusion, the participants thanked the Public Council for organizing such a meeting and considered it expedient to hold discussions in this format in the future.