ANNOUNCEMENT on registration of candidates and representatives for membership in Public Council under Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of Azerbaijan Republic

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Public Participation” and “Regulations on the Election of the Public Council by Civil Society Institutions” approved by decision No.171 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 30 May 2014, the Election Commission, established for the purpose of organizing elections to the Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has decided to start the process of nominating candidates for membership in the Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport and registering representatives to participate in the joint meeting of civil society institutions in connection with the elections to the Public Council on 27 August 2024.
The process of registration of candidates to the Public Council will be completed within 20 working days, i.e. on 23 September 2024 at 18:00.
The registration of a candidate to the Public Council will be considered by the Election Commission within three working days and a relevant decision will be made. Elections to the Public Council will be held within one month after the nomination and registration process is completed.
1. Requirements for candidates:
– Any able-bodied citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, aged 16, having high moral and ethical qualities, along with expertise or knowledge in the field of transport, including maritime transport and civil aviation, communications (telecommunications and post), e-government, space activities, high technologies (information technologies, microelectronics, nano, bio and other innovative science-intensive technologies) may be nominated as a candidate to the Public Council.
– Each civil society institution may nominate only one candidate for membership in the Public Council.
– Employees of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport cannot be nominated for membership in the Public Council.
Registration of candidates:
To consider the issue of registration of a candidate, the following documents must be submitted:
1. Application for nomination of a candidate to the Public Council (indicating phone number and e-mail address).
2. Copy of candidate’s ID card.
3. Candidate’s CV.
4. If the candidate is a member of any civil society institution, copy of the document certifying his/her membership.
5. Document confirming candidate’s expertise or knowledge in the field of transport, including maritime transport and civil aviation, communications (telecommunications and post), e-government, space activities, high technologies (information technologies, microelectronics, nano, bio and other innovative science-intensive technologies) (if available – copy of labor book, and in the absence of labor book – other documents confirming the information).
Other documents providing comprehensive information about the candidate may also be attached to the application.
2. Requirements for representatives:
– Only representatives of civil society institutions may participate in elections to the Public Council.
– Each civil society institution may nominate only one representative to participate in joint meetings of civil society institutions in connection with elections to the Public Council.
Registration of representatives:
To consider the issue of registration of representatives, the following documents must be submitted:
1. Application for registration of the representative (specifying representative’s date of birth, place of residence and contact details).
2. A copy of the representative’s ID card.
3. Copy of a document confirming the state registration of the civil society institution.
Registration of representatives will continue ten days prior to election day.
3. Acceptance and consideration of documents
The issue of registration of candidates and representatives shall be considered by the Election Commission established to organize elections to the Public Council.
Necessary information regarding nomination of candidates to the Public Council and registration of representatives can be provided by e-mail: ictimaishuraRİ .
Contact person: Rena Hajiyeva (tel.: +99412 598-58-58 (ext. 290); +99410 250-48-48).
Attachment: Application forms – two sheets.
To the Public Council under the Ministry of
Digital Development and Transport of the
Republic of Azerbaijan
to the Election Commission for elections
For membership in the Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan by_____________________________ Public Association
(full name of organization)
________________________________________________________ is nominated.
(candidate’s last name, first name, patronymic)
The following documents are attached:
Candidate’s CV;
Copy of candidate’s ID card;
Copy of the document confirming that the candidate is a member of a civil society institution;
A document confirming that the person has expertise or knowledge in the relevant field (if available – copy of labor book, and in the absence of labor book – other documents confirming the information).
Additional _____ sheet
Signature: L.S.
To the Public Council under the Ministry of
Digital Development and Transport of the
Republic of Azerbaijan
to the Election Commission for elections
At the joint meeting of civil society institutions in connection with the elections to the Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan
(full name of organization)
________________________________________________will participate as a representative.
(representative’s last name, first name and patronymic)
Necessary information about the representative (date of birth, place of residence, contact details) is added.
Signature: L.S.