ANNOUNCEMENT on holding elections of members of Public Council under Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of Azerbaijan Republic

(For attention of civil society institutions)
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Public Participation” and “Regulations on the Election of the Public Council by Civil Society Institutions” approved by decision No.171 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 30 May 2014, according to the announcement, made by the Election Commission established for the purpose of organizing elections to the Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the process of nominating candidates to the Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport is over.
The candidature of 12 persons to the Public Council was registered (the list is attached). The Election Commission set the membership limit of the Public Council at 10 persons. Members of the Public Council will be elected by secret ballot at a joint meeting consisting of an equal number of representatives of civil society institutions from among the nominated candidates. Persons who received votes of more than half of those who took part in the voting shall be considered elected members of the Public Council.
Elections for membership of the Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport will be held at a joint meeting of civil society institutions on 19 October 2024 from 11:00 to 16:00 at the administrative building of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport (address: 77 Zarifa Aliyeva Street, Sabail district, Baku city).
Civil society institutions wishing their representatives (voters) to participate in the joint meeting are asked to provide the necessary information about these persons (name, surname, patronymic, birth date, place of residence, contact details) not later than ten days before the election day (i.e. until 18:00 on 09.10.2024), and submit their applications to the Election Commission (e-mail address:
Information on representatives of civil society institutions elected as members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport will be posted on the ministry’s official website ( ).
Contact person: Rena Hajiyeva (tel.: +99412 598-58-58 (ext. 290); +99410 250-48-48).
Annex: 1. List of candidates registered for membership of the Public Council;
2. Application form for registration of representatives (voters).
List of candidates nominated for membership of the
Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport
for the elections to be held on 19.10.2024
№ |
Candidate’s last name, first name, patronymic
Name of civil society institution that submitted nomination |
1. |
Siruz Huseyn oghlu Abasbeyli |
Public Association Communication and Information Technology Specialists |
2. |
Elvin Miribadat oghlu Abbasov | Azerbaijan Information and Communication Technologies Industry Association |
3. |
Rauf Inshallah oghlu Aghamirzayev |
Public Association Support to Socio-Economic Development |
4. |
Eyyubov Fərhad Çinar oğlu |
Public Association Independent Transporters Consultation and Information |
5. |
Osman Gunduz Mehdi oghlu |
Public Association Multimedia Information Systems and Technologies Center |
6. |
Farid Farman oghlu Kazimov |
Public Association Azerbaijan Innovations Export Consortium |
7. |
Galib Islam oghlu Gurbanov |
Public Association Azerbaijan Internet Society |
8. |
Rahila Ibrahim gizi Mehtiyeva |
Public Association Socio-Economic and Ecological Development |
9. |
Elnara Ashir gizi Maharramova |
Public Association Education on Regional Socio-Economic Development |
10. |
Elmaddin Nadir oghlu Muradov |
Public Association Journalism and Development Center |
11. |
Shaban Fakhraddin oghlu Nasirov |
Public Association Support to Public Participation |
12. |
Farid Pardashunas Bayram oghlu |
Public Association Innovative Volunteers Organization |
Application form for registration of representatives (voters)
To the Public Council under the Ministry of
Digital Development and Transport of
the Republic of Azerbaijan
To the Election Commission for elections
At the joint meeting of civil society institutions regarding the elections to the Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan _________________________________________________________ will participate as a representative of
(representative’s last name, first name, patronymic)
_________________________________________________________Public Association
(full name of the organization)
Signature: L.S.
NOTE: The following documents must be provided to consider registration of representatives:
1. Application for registration of a representative (specifying the representative’s birth date, place of residence, contact details);
2. Copy of the representative’s ID card;
3. Copy of the document confirming the state registration of the civil society institution.
Registration of representatives will continue ten days before election day (until 09.10.2024 18:00).