
Subgroup meeting on promoting eco-friendly and safe vehicles and improving infrastructure to be held

Subgroup meeting on promoting eco-friendly and safe vehicles and improving infrastructure to be held

A meeting of the subgroup on promoting the use of eco-friendly and safe vehicles and improving infrastructure of the Physical Infrastructure Working Group of the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings and a meeting with the World Bank’s expert mission on the E-mobility project will be held at the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communications on November 16, 2023 at 14:00.

The meeting includes the presentation of the final report on the implementation of the 2022 Roadmap for the evaluation, preparation and implementation of proposals related to the stimulation and promotion of the use of eco-friendly vehicles, prioritization of objectives of the subgroup’s activities, establishment of thematic groups and discussion of proposals for the development of the draft Roadmap 2024.

It is also planned to discuss the work done to promote the use of eco-friendly and safe vehicles and improve infrastructure, the role of the private sector in this area and projects implemented, as well as upcoming priorities and recommendations for the World Bank’s E-mobility project, opportunities for cooperation and preparations for the implementation of the project.