Safer Internet Day celebrated in Azerbaijan

Safer Internet Day celebrated in Azerbaijan

An event dedicated to the International Safer Internet Day was held at the initiative of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.


Representatives of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, organizations and enterprises of the ministry, Department for Informatization of Education System of the Ministry of Education, State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs delivered speeches at the event.


The event, held at the at the Information and Communication Technologies Applying and Training Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, was joined by centers operating in Shamakhy, Shirvan, Goychay, Ganja, Gazakh, Zagatala and Lankaran via videoconferencing.



Head of Science, High Technologies and Information Society Development Sector of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Kamal Mammadov said that security issues on the internet, as well as personal data protection are priorities of the information age.


He noted that with the view of coordinating activities in the field of information security, the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies has been conducting awareness-raising events with the participation of representatives of relevant government agencies, non-governmental organizations, civil society and the internet community, as well as active involvement of youth and children since 2010. This event is one of them.


“Along with the  awareness-raising activities, relevant changes were made to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan  “On Telecommunications”  and ensuring secure access to web information resources to protect children from  information harmful to their health and development on the basis of application submitted by subscriber was included in the duties of operators and providers, and the requirement  to take measures to protect children from  information harmful to their health and development was included in the rights and obligations of subscribers. Moreover, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On protection of children from harmful information” was adopted at the end of last year – on October 30. Relevant government agencies have already started work to improve the regulatory framework for the implementation of the tasks and obligations arising from the Law”, –  he said. 


Director of the Information and Communication Technologies Applying and Training Center Rauf Cabarov said in his speech that today the Internet has become a very important tool. Each of us uses the Internet for education, business, entertainment and other purposes. Nevertheless, inappropriate use of the Internet may result in many problems. That is why each of us must know how to safely use the Internet.


He said that for this purpose, a number of internet service providers have launched “Safe Internet” service and users who benefit from this service are protected from any kind of dangerous content of respective age category. “Thanks to the service that offers wide range of choices, parental control over resources that contain malicious content and games, movies promoting crime, violence, racism, discrimination, extremism etc., which can cause psychological harm to minors, will be enhanced.


The event was followed by interactive question and answer sessions by students.


It should be noted that Safer Internet Day was founded in 2004 by INSAFE (European Safer Internet Network) in order to promote safe use of the Internet among young people and children, in particular to inform future generations about existing threats on the global network.  Awareness-raising events on Safer Internet Day are held every year on the 2nd day of the second week of February, under different slogans in more than 100 countries around the world. This year’s slogan is “Together for a better internet”.