Residents of children's homes in Baku made excursion to Bakutel 2018

Residents of children's homes in Baku made excursion to Bakutel 2018

As part of the Bakutel 2018, the 24th Azerbaijan International Telecommunications, Innovations and High Technologies Exhibition and Conference, an excursion to the exhibition was organized for the residents of children’s homes. More than 60 residents of children’s homes No.2 and No.3 located in Baku familiarized themselves with the pavilions and stands of the exhibition. The children showed particular interest in robotics at the stand of the Innovation Agency under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies. Startuppers informed the children on making of robots and their management.


Various samples of postage stamps presented at the stand of Azermarka LLC arouse much interest among children. The children were given samples of national postage stamps and other gifts. They also received special attention at the stand of AzIntelecom LLC, where the services of the first Regional Data Center of Azerbaijan are demonstrated. They also viewed other pavilions operating at the exhibition and had fun in the zone of innovative games. The first virtual reality book of Azerbaijan, “Wind: Prince of the Earth” was gifted to the children.


The children’s excursion to the exhibition will continue tomorrow.


It will be recalled that Bakutel 2018 exhibition and conference is held with the support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, with the organizational support of Caspian Event Organizers (CEO) and under the sponsorship of Azercell Telecom.