
Residential areas in Khankendi city provided with telecommunications services

Residential areas in Khankendi city provided with telecommunications services

According to the “First State Program on the Great Return to the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation” approved by the relevant Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, one of the priority issues facing the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport is the development of telecommunications sector in the territories liberated from occupation.

As the main component of the restoration and construction work carried out in the liberated territories, Aztelekom LLC has provided all residential areas and business entities in Khankendi city with telecommunication services, including the Internet.

Thus, with the introduction of GPON technology, subscribers are provided with Internet + telephony, Internet + television (two in one) and Internet + telephony + television (three in one) services along with high-speed Internet.

To connect to the services, citizens can call 170 Call Center of Aztelekom LLC, apply to Khankendi territorial service department (address: Khankendi city), as well as submit an application through the official website of the institution.

It should be noted that in accordance with the general and master plans of the territories liberated from occupation, as well as the “Action Program on the organization of communications  services in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, at the initial stage it is planned to design and lay more than 1000 km of backbone fiber-optic cables or its alternative lines in all the territories liberated from occupation. State-of-the-art equipment has also been installed in Khankendi city.

As part of the work carried out by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport to introduce modern technologies, relevant work to provide high-speed Internet to other regions of the country is also going on as planned.