Passports issued to regional bus terminals to continue their activities legally

Passports issued to regional bus terminals to continue their activities legally

The State Road Transport Service under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies has issued passports to the bus terminals of Guzanly, Shamakhy, Sumgayit and Ganja International Bus Terminal to continue their activities legally.


Passports were handed to the heads of bus terminals at a meeting held by the State Road Transport Service.


At the meeting, head of the State Road Transport Service Habib Hasanov stated that the passport is considered as the main official document certifying the lawful activity of a bus terminal (bus station).


He stressed that according to the “Regulations on bus terminal and bus station”, approved by Decision No.22 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 5, 2009, every bus terminal (bus station) must have a passport in accordance with the activity category.


Participants in the meeting also exchanged views on possible problems in passenger transportation. Moreover, issues such as preventing the illegal sale of tickets, attracting buses to bus stations and route schedules, taking measures against carriers engaged in illegal activities were also discussed.