
New ICT grant project between Korea and Azerbaijan implemented

New ICT grant project between Korea and Azerbaijan implemented

On 14 November 2023, a relevant protocol regarding IT equipment purchased by the Korean government was signed between the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Innovation and Digital Development Agency and the Electronic Security Service.

The protocol was signed within the framework of the Small ODA Grant project for purchase of equipment related to digital technologies between the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Speaking at the event organized on this occasion, Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transport Farid Ahmadov noted the expansion of friendly relations and economic ties between Azerbaijan and Korea. Stressing that the prospects of cooperation in the field of innovation and high technologies between the countries are at a high level, the deputy minister said digital transformation is one of the main priority areas for the Azerbaijani government.

Providing information on ties with our country, as well as programs and projects presented by the Korean government in Azerbaijan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Azerbaijan Lee Eun Yong expressed confidence in the development of cooperation between the two countries.

It should be noted that the equipment purchased under the Small ODA Grant project will be used by the ministry in cyber security activities, as well as in training and educational processes organized in the field of ICT, raising awareness and strengthening human capital in this field, supporting startups in the regions and expanding research in universities located here.

It should be noted that Small ODA projects are implemented in Azerbaijan based on the “Framework Agreement between the Government of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Korea for Grant Aid” signed on 11 January 2019 in Baku.