International workshop on cyber security solutions kicks off

International workshop on cyber security solutions kicks off

Microsoft held a workshop on Cyber Security Solutions on March 11 within the framework of the International Cyber Security Week organized by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies. The objective of the workshop is to enhance the level of awareness of cyber security specialists and expand the security capabilities through the use of Microsoft’s advanced cloud solutions. Detailed information was provided about Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 products and their security criteria during the event.


The workshop was attended by authorized representatives of business, diplomatic corps, academia, civil society and internet community.


Speaking at the event, Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Elmir Velizade said that in Azerbaijan – as one of the rapidly developing countries of the world, widespread use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) has led to the implementation of sustainable cyber security measures in this area.


The Deputy Minister noted that Azerbaijan has joined international conventions and programs with the view of forming a legal framework in this area, and further improved its own legal framework. “Protection, stability and continuity of information processes in the republic, protection of information resources of government agencies, prevention of threats in this area, and risk management in cybersecurity are carried out in a coordinated manner. Taking this into consideration, the first international Cyber Security Week was launched in our country with the involvement of other relevant structures,” – said the Deputy Minister.

Director of cybersecurity, licensing compliance and management of Microsoft’s software assets in the countries of the CIS Dmitry Beresnev said that today critical security issues for cyber security, online security, and network reliability are regarded as one of the most important priorities.

“Various activities are implemented for the effective international cooperation in this area, multilateral dialogue, adoption of successful decisions and their implementation. In general, cyber security is a very broad and pressing   issue. Having timely assessed the existing vulnerabilities and threats in this area, the Azerbaijani government has taken appropriate actions in that area,” – he said.


Then Microsoft’s analytical report on cyber security was presented.


Specialists made extensive presentations on centralized monitoring of cyber security, cybersecurity of corporate mobile devices, logins and passwords, as well as protection methods from unwanted applications and online services.


Within the framework of the forum, local participants shared experiences with international specialists, discussed the current situation in this area, the tasks assigned in this area and the integration into relevant foreign institutions.


It should be noted that Cyber Security Week will be held in Azerbaijan on March 11-15 this year by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies with the support of Microsoft in order to increase the level of efficiency and awareness and improve technical training in the field of cyber security.