
International conference on North–South and East–West transport corridors held

International conference on North–South and East–West transport corridors held

A conference on North–South and East–West transport corridors – the basis for mutual communication and joint cooperation was held in a virtual format.


The conference, hosted by Azerbaijan, discussed such issues as the role of transport corridors in the socio-economic development of the Eurasian region, the implementation of transport projects between the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states and other countries within the North–South and East –West corridors.


Representatives of China, Belarus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Russia and Turkey, as well as representatives of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA, the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, the Economic Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Turkic States and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific spoke at the event.


Speaking at the conference, Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transport Rahman Hummatov said that turning Azerbaijan into a regional transport and transit hub is a priority issue on our agenda, and great efforts have been made to develop sustainable transport and transit corridors in the region over the last decade.


The deputy minister added that projects implemented on the initiative of our country play a special role in the development of international transport corridors. Today Azerbaijan has a modern transport infrastructure that allows cargoes to be transported in all directions – both to the North and South, and to the East or West.


“Today we are witnessing growing interest in the Middle Corridor. For this reason, we are making additional efforts together with Turkey and Georgia to increase the capacity of the Baku–Tbilisi–Kars railway line, which is one of the main arteries of the Middle Corridor, to 5 million tonnes,” said Rahman Hummatov.


The deputy minister continued his presentation with information on the Zangezur corridor, which could have a significant impact on expanding the transit potential of both East–West and North–South corridors and lead to strategic changes in the transport and communication map of the region.


Rahman Hummatov noted that the construction of the Zangezur corridor, the shortest and safest transit corridor, would ensure the diversification of transport links between China and Central Asian countries towards Europe and create new economic opportunities for all countries in the region.


The deputy minister concluded his speech by stating that maximizing the region’s transport potential was a common goal and expressed confidence that complementary transport systems between countries would contribute to sustainable economic development.