
Environmental campaign “Protect the Caspian Sea!” launched, co-organized by ministry

Environmental campaign “Protect the Caspian Sea!” launched, co-organized by ministry

An environmental campaign “Protect the Caspian Sea!” has been launched. The campaign was jointly organized by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, the State Maritime and Port Agency and the Seaside Boulevard Department.


The three-day event is part of a series of events marking the 100th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev.


The project aims to honor the blessed memory of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, who at all times attached great importance to environmental protection, as well as to contribute to the promotion of a culture of environmental awareness in society and draw attention to the shallowing of the Caspian Sea in recent years.


The national leader Heydar Aliyev, during the years when he led Azerbaijan, always attached a great deal of attention to the solution of environmental problems and was particularly concerned about environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources.


During the campaign, it is planned to clean up and dispose of about 10 tonnes of waste found in the coastal part of the Caspian Sea due to lowering of the water level.


A group of Innovative Volunteers also joined the “Protect the Caspian Sea!” campaign.