
Azerpost issues stamp collection dedicated to Year of Shusha

Azerpost issues stamp collection dedicated to Year of Shusha

Azerpost LLC under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport has issued a collection of 21 stamps on the theme “Shusha 270 years”.


It should be noted that President Ilham Aliyev signed an Order dated 5 January 2022 “On declaring 2022 the Year of Shusha in the Republic of Azerbaijan”. The Action Plan approved by the Cabinet of Ministers provides for the execution of the order, it was planned to issue stamps and envelopes on the theme “Shusha 270 years”.


Each of the stamps, reflecting the history, architecture, literary environment, music and ethnic culture, as well as the flora and fauna of Shusha, was issued in large quantities.


The stamp cancellation procedure took place at Azerpost LLC. The event was opened by Afgan Jalilov, Board Chairman of Azerpost LLC, who underlined in his speech that every step taken in the direction of presenting and popularizing the historical identity of Karabakh, including Shusha city, regardless of the scale, is an important support to the work done, especially to the information war.


Namig Aliyev, Chairman of Azerbaijani Union of Philatelists, who attended the event, expressed gratitude to the staff of Azerpost for the implemented project. He also noted the importance of the recent development of relations between the Azerbaijan Postal Stamp Society and philatelists from other countries in terms of promoting Azerbaijani truths.


Advisor to the Minister of Digital Development and Transport Rashad Bayramov said that the stamps that are created today are actually the result of a complex process in which dozens of people work together over the course of a year. These stamps, in turn, convey information about our country wherever they ‘go’ as carriers of propaganda.


It should be noted that in 2022, Azerpost also issued a souvenir sheet consisting of nine stamps with the theme “Shusha through the eyes of martyr children”. The stamps feature paintings of talented martyr children, glorifying Shusha.