
AYNA Passenger Transport Monitoring Center launched

AYNA Passenger Transport Monitoring Center launched

Azerbaijan Land Transport Agency (AYNA) under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport continues to take measures to improve the transport system, traffic management and service quality in passenger transport. As part of these activities, AYNA Passenger Transport Monitoring Center was put into operation. The purpose of the center is to monitor the status of compliance with route passports and route plans, as well as the rules and safety requirements for regular intercity passenger transport by road, and consistent needs assessment.


Regular intercity (interregional) passenger transport activities are monitored from the Monitoring Center through GPS equipment installed on buses. During the day, buses from the starting, intermediate and final points are tracked according to the timetable, with stops at outbound stops and deviations from the line. The center also records and analyses directions of bus traffic, hard acceleration, braking, speeding and other violations in real time. The center also determines the coordinates of the points where the buses are parked.


At the same time, in order  to improve service level and ensure transparency for passengers, bus terminals and bus stations operating in the country are monitored around the clock by the Monitoring Center through specially installed surveillance cameras.