
6th Robot Olympiad kicked off in Baku

6th Robot Olympiad kicked off in Baku

On 1 September, the opening ceremony of the 6th Robot Olympiad, jointly organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Science and Education, Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, World Robot Olympiad Association and Azerbaijan Robotics Engineering Academy (AREA), was held at the National Gymnastics Arena in Baku.

Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transport Farid Ahmadov emphasized that the Olympiad is one of the events supported by the ministry and is confident of its successful results.

The deputy minister also added that the Olympiad will be not only a testing ground for young people, but also an effective platform for sharing experience and constructive discussion.

At the Olympiad, teenagers and young people aged 8 to 19 will compete for the championship in four categories: Robomission, Robosports, Future Innovators, and Future engineers.

A total of 249 teams from 20 regions and cities of the republic applied for participation in the Olympiad. The level of preparation of registered teams was monitored and 160 teams won the right to participate in the final stage.

A summer camp was also organized at Gusar Olympic Sports Complex for the teams that made it to the finals to develop their projects. During the camp, various interactive trainings were organized for them.

It should be noted that the winning teams of the Olympiad, which will last until 3 September, will represent Azerbaijan at the World Robot Olympiad to be held in the Republic of Panama from 7 to 9 November 2023.