News - Public Council

Public Council under Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies holds regular meeting

News - Public Council
Public Council under Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies holds regular meeting

The Public Council under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies held its regular meeting.

The meeting discussed the Action Plan of the Public Council, the schedule of meetings and the work to be done in the coming months.

The Action Plan was approved by replacing it with a Work Plan.

The Council members discussed the schedule of meetings of the Public Council, the work to be done in the coming months, and by voting decided to develop it as soon as possible and submit it to the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.

It is planned to discuss the problems related to the Internet, obstacles to increasing the export of Azerbaijan’s IT products, road safety, existing problems in air and sea transport with the participation of representatives of relevant bodies in the coming months.

The current issues were then considered.

Note that the next meeting is scheduled for September.