News - Public Council

Elections to Public Council under Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies held

News - Public Council
Elections to Public Council under Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies held

On June 12, 2021, elections to the Public Council under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies were held.

85 out of 102 representatives from civil society institutions registered 10 days before election day took part in the elections as voters.

Upon completion of the electoral process, the properly sealed ballot box was opened, and the votes were counted in the presence of the members of the Election Commission. Out of 85 used ballots, 2 were declared invalid.

According to the results of voting, the following persons, who received more than half of the votes, were elected to the Public Council.

Elnara Ashir gizi Maharramova – Chairman of the Public Association Regional Education for Socio-Economic Development

Galib Tasim oglu Nabiyev – Chairman of the Public Association Support to Social and Economic Development

As a result of these elections, due to an incomplete formation of the composition of the Public Council under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, the second round of elections will be held on June 16, 2021,  in the administrative building of the Ministry, located at the address: Zarifa Aliyeva 77, Sabail district, Baku city.