News - Public Council

A Meeting Was Held with the Members of Public Council at ICTA

News - Public Council
A Meeting Was Held with the Members of Public Council at ICTA

A meeting with the members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport was held at the Information Communication Technologies Agency (ICTA), Azerbaijan’s regulatory body for telecommunications and postal services.

Addressing at the meeting, ICTA chairman Nail Mardanov spoke about the work done and further activities of the agency headed by him.

The chairman of ICTA also noted that in a short period of time the Agency has launched 5 e-services, which serve to improve the efficiency of telecom operators and providers, as well as postal operators.

Addressing at the meeting, the chairman of the Public Council Siruz Abasbayli and members of the Council emphasized that they monitor the activities of ICTA and noted the importance of expanding the coverage of provided e-services, particularly, the “Electronic Complaint” system.

In the end, it was decided to hold such meetings regularly to maintain fruitful cooperation.