Winners of Republican Sports Contest Saghlamlig 2018 awarded

Winners of Republican Sports Contest Saghlamlig 2018 awarded

The awarding ceremony of the winners of the Republican Sports Contest Saghlamlıg (Health) 2018 took place at the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.


Speaking at the event, Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Elmir Velizade stressed the importance of holding annual sports contest.


According to him, such events are of great importance in terms of providing large-scale involvement and promotion of sports among employees.


Elmir Velizade appreciated the participation of 600 employees in this sports event, including 60 women working in subordinate enterprises and agencies of the ministry.


Deputy Chairman of the Republican Committee of the Independent Trade Union of Telecommunications Workers Rashad Safarov gave detailed information about the organization and the results of the sports contest.


Noting that the teams competed in 8 kinds of sport, he said that in the team scoring, the team of Baku Telephone Communication LLC became the winner of the first place, Aztelecom LLC took the second place, the third place went to the State Administration of Radio Frequencies.


Then the heads of organizations, whose teams took the first three places, were awarded commemorative cups and diplomas.


It should be noted that the sports contest was organized by the Republican Independent Trade Union Committee of Communications Workers and the Spartak Volunteer Physical Training and Sports Society Public Union with the support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.


Teams of Baku Telephone Communications LLC, Aztelecom LLC, State Administration of Radio Frequencies, Data Processing Center, State Road Transport Service, Militarized Security Department LLC, Teleradio Production Association, Azerpost LLC, AzInTelecom, the State Maritime Agency, as well as two teams of the staff of the ministry took part in the competitions.