SFDIT Supervisory Board holds its regular session

SFDIT Supervisory Board holds its regular session

The Supervisory Board of the State Fund for Development of Information Technologies (SFDIT) under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies held its regular session on December 26.


Acting Director of the Fund Azer Bayramov presented a report on activities in 2018 at the event, which was chaired by Elmir Velizade, chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies. It was noted that during the reporting period, the grant financing of innovative and applied science and technology projects in order to support the development of entrepreneurship in the country in the field of ICT was continued. Information was provided on the status of the grant competitions held by the Fund. Also, a report was presented on preferential loans allocated for the reporting period through authorized banks to business entities operating in the field of ICT.


Furthermore, detailed information was provided on the activities carried out by the Fund to support the development of startups in the country, the implementation of innovative ideas, the promotion of innovative entrepreneurship and the high-tech industry.


The members of the Supervisory Board that took part in the discussions acknowledged the successful performance of the Fund, highly appreciated the measures taken to finance innovative projects implemented by the Fund during the reporting period.


At the end of the session, the members of the Supervisory Board were awarded certificates of appreciation for five years of fruitful activity.