MTCHT holds meeting with German delegation

MTCHT holds meeting with German delegation

A meeting was held at the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (MTCHT) with a delegation led by Wolfgang Buchele, Chairman of Germany’s Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations.


The delegation includes  Chairman of the German-Azerbaijani Forum Hanns-Eberhard Schleyer, Executive Director of the German-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce Tobias Baumann. Heads of leading German companies also attended the meeting.


The issues of involvement of German IT companies in investment in Azerbaijan, the organization of the Azerbaijan-German  ICT Forum, international road transport,  as well as expansion  ICT cooperation were the key focus of the meeting.


Greeting  the guests,  Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies  Ramin  Guluzade  said that relations between Germany and Azerbaijan are developing successfully. The visits  of  the heads of state play an important role in expanding cooperation between the two countries. It was noted  that Azerbaijan is cooperating  with Germany in various fields, such as  transit traffic, radio and television broadcasting, nanotechnologies, international passenger and freight  transportation, as well as information and communication technologies.


The Minister  noted  that  relevant documents between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany should be signed, as well as ICT Business Forum  should be held. Noting the importance of representation of Germany’s national pavilion at Bakutel 2018 exhibition, the Minister stressed that the organization of a business forum would also be useful.


Wolfgang Buchele, Chairman of Germany’s Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations said that the Committee was founded in 1952 and incorporates companies interested in cooperation with Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, South- Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. He noted that the main goal of the Committee is to promote the activities of member companies in trade, industry, investment and service sectors. Buchele also said that there is a close cooperation with the Committee in holding of a number of business forums, making presentations, publishing articles about  Azerbaijan’s  economy in the magazine published by the Committee, as well as organizing advanced training courses for our country’s specialists.


Chairman of the  Board of Directors of the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce Falko Heidrich stressed the importance of encouraging German businessmen to invest in Azerbaijan.