Large-scale transport exhibitions kick off in Baku

Large-scale transport exhibitions kick off in Baku

The 17th Caspian international exhibition “Transport, Transit and Logistics” TransCaspian / Translogistica 2018 and the 8th Caspian international exhibition “Road Infrastructure and Public Transport” Road & Traffic 2018 kicked off today in Baku Expo Center. Both exhibitions will be held from 11 to 13 June.


The exhibitions, which demonstrate new products and achievements of industrial enterprises and define the future vector of transport sector in many respects are one of the leading transport events in the Caspian region. The exhibitions are attended by major state transport agencies, as well as commercial companies operating in the railway sector, maritime industry, aviation, commercial transport, transportation and logistics services.


Exhibitions are supported by the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, TRACECA, the Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) and the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers’) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the Baku Transport Agency.


This year TransCaspian/Translogistica 2018 is attended by 85 companies from 15 countries. Companies from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Lithuania, Russia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Greece and other countries are presenting a wide range of products and services in the transport sector (cargo transportation, production of locomotives, passenger cars and freight wagons, rolling stock maintenance, component parts for railway transport, shipbuilding and ship repair, port services, component and spare parts for commercial vehicles and much more).Along with commercial companies, the state agencies such as Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, Baku International Sea Trade Port CJSC, Azerbaijan Caspian Sea Shipping CJSC and State Maritime Agency under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan are also attending the exhibition.


The 8th Caspian international exhibition “Road Infrastructure and Public Transport” The Road & Traffic exhibition aims to present the latest achievements in the field of road and tunnel construction, showcase the introduction of modern information technologies in traffic regulation and the newest solutions in the field of road safety, meanwhile providing a platform for a meeting of the manufacturers and operators of public transport, as well as demonstrate the latest achievements in addressing road safety problems. The Road & Traffic exhibition  is one of the largest specialized exhibitions in the region, and the exhibition is highly appreciated not only by road, but also by professionals engaged in transport and construction industry, covering all aspects of the road infrastructure development.


Companies from Azerbaijan, USA, Belarus, Iran, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Slovakia (for the first time) will present services for road and tunnel design and construction, road safety means, software for urban planning, road barriers, intelligent transport management systems, electronic roads monitors, buses and some other services and products at the Road & Traffic 2018 exhibition. The Baku Transport Agency, the State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads and the State Road Transport Service are also among local participants. The list of exhibition participants has been extended to include a number of debutants, among them are Maxina TST (Belarus), Paya Tadbir Pakan (Iran), Pietrucha (Poland), SORB Group (Russia) and Molpir (Slovakia). Manufacturers from Yaroslavl Region (Russia) are also taking part in the exhibition with their own stand for the first time.


Speaking at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Ramin Guluzade wished success and productive activity to the organizers and participants of the exhibitions, as well as success in finding reliable partners and further strengthening of business relations.


The Minister said that this year’s exhibitions as every year will serve as basis for  establishing business relationships and contacts, exchange of experiences and expansion of cooperation among the participants.


Ramin Guluzade stressed the importance of modernization of infrastructure and improvement of multi-modal logistics systems in order to create a reliable, fast and secure transport system in our country and to develop international transport corridors passing through the country.


“President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed a number of orders and decrees determining the state policy of transforming Azerbaijan into a global transport logistics center. Azerbaijan is the initiator and active participant of a number of projects on the development of Eurasian transport links passing through the Caucasus region. These orders and decrees, along with the implementation of major infrastructure projects, allow for the management of this field, continuous improvement of the regulatory framework and the application of the most up-to-date standards.  The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway commissioned in October 2017 is of strategic importance for the region. It will contribute to the implementation of more reliable, efficient and safe transportation from the Far East, including from China, to Europe and back,” the Minister said.


Speaking about the importance of the Baku International Sea Trade Port, Ramin Guluzade stressed that it is the largest port complex in the Caspian Sea basin. He pointed out that the new port, being the most important transit point in the region, will play a key role in the implementation of freight and passenger transportation through the international transport corridors East-West and North-South.


Noting the new Baku International Sea Trade Port is the largest port complex in the Caspian Sea, the Minister said the new port will play a key role in the implementation of freight and passenger transportation through the East-West and North-South international transport corridors as the most important transit point in the region.


The Minister also noted that much work should be done in the future for the renewal and development of the infrastructure, the creation of multifunctional logistics systems, as well as  improving the transport system ensuring transport safety.


In turn, Regional Director at ITE Group Edward Stroon said that the TransCaspian/Translogistica exhibition is part of a series of specialised transport and logistics exhibitions organised by ITE Group (UK), which includes TransRussia (Moscow), TransPoland (Warsaw), TransUzbekistan (Tashkent), TransUkraine (Kiev), and TransKazakhstan (Almaty), as well as a series of international BreakBulk exhibitions (Antwerp, Houston, Shanghai, Abu Dhabi, Kuala Lumpur) and others.


He said that more than 30% of this year’s exhibitors are debutants, including companies that specialise in sea transportation (Absheron Logistics Center, Turkmenbashi International Sea Port), railway transportation (ADY Container), international road transportation (APS Solver, Belarus and Arijus UAB, Lithuania), and air transportation (Silk Way Group). A number of innovations will be presented at the exhibition, such as company AzRusTrans will demonstrate alternative options for transit traffic, company Technovotum will offer visitors an automated laser scanner and defectoscopy.


“Within the framework of the exhibition program, bilateral meetings will be held among cargo carriers and freight owners, owners of the moving staff and companies operating in the maritime industry. The purpose of the event is to provide participating companies with an opportunity to meet with local companies, where they can present and discover new products and services, explore new business opportunities, find potential customers and exchange their business experiences. The Road & Traffic 2018 exhibition will create ideal conditions to meet with the heads and experts of the region’s leading road construction companies, to get acquainted with current and future plans of the government in the field of optimization of the public transport in Baku and other cities of Azerbaijan. TransCaspian / Translogisticsa exhibition is a unique opportunity to meet leaders and experts representing state transport structures of both Azerbaijan and the countries of the region, to get acquainted with prospective state infrastructure projects, as well as owners of cargo holders, heads of industrial enterprises, owners of car parks and other stakeholders representing relevant profile sectors to sign new business agreements,” said Edward Stroon.


It was informed that as part of this year’s business programme, the State Automobile Transport Service will conduct a conference on “New Road Plan of the Transport Service” at Baku Expo Centre (Room № 22). It is planned to sign cooperation memorandums between the State Automobile Transport Service and higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan at the end of the conference.


Moreover, bilateral B2B meetings will be held on the second day of the exhibition to provide participants with an opportunity to meet with leading local companies, where they can present and discover new products and services, explore new business opportunities, find potential customers and exchange their business experiences.


The organizers of the exhibitions are Iteca Caspian and ITE Group companies. In 2018, Iteca Caspian’s partners include companies Premier Tour, including Hyatt Regency and Qafqaz Point Hotel (official hotels).


The exhibitions are open to professional visitors from 11 to 13 June, to students – on 13 June.