Drivers carrying out freight and passenger transportation to undergo special courses

Drivers carrying out freight and passenger transportation to undergo special courses

The activity of the educational institutions, which carry out training of drivers related to safe transportation in Azerbaijan, is being improved.


For this purpose, a comprehensive action plan based on the concept of "Safe service - professional driver" has been developed by the State Road Transport Service under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


According to the plan, the material and technical base of the Education and Training Center operating under the State Road Transport Service will be brought into line with international standards. Work in this direction has already started.


It is planned to train drivers carrying out domestic and international freight and passenger transportation, as well as taxi drivers in accordance with the professional activity and behavior based on special program.


It should be noted that the Education and Training Center of the State Road Transport Service is the first educational institution in Azerbaijan, which is engaged in the training of professional drivers in various categories, including category A. The Education and Training Center features classrooms equipped with visual aids and equipment for training on categories A, B, BC, D, BE, CE, DE, as well as simulator room, training rooms and examination rooms for conducting courses on professional activities and behavior of taxi drivers and bus drivers.


The educational institution is also engaged in raising the level of professional training of drivers of public transport vehicles.


If earlier 150-200 people could simultaneously attend the courses at the Center’s training base, the new plan provides for the creation of conditions for training of 300-400 people.


It should be noted that according to the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, drivers carrying out international and domestic passenger and cargo transportation by public transport must be trained on the professional activities and behavior, as well as be trained on a special program covering professional activities, rules of conduct and the particular operating and recreational conditions. Moreover, they must have the necessary knowledge of normative legal acts governing freight and passenger transport by road. At the same time, taxi drivers should receive special training on regulatory legal acts that regulate the rules of ethical behavior and transportation of passengers by road.


Drivers of vehicles used in international cargo transportation also must undergo a special training under the program to acquire the necessary knowledge of international conventions, agreements and other documents relating to international cargo transportation, as well as the features of these cargos.


In accordance with the requirements of the Quality Charter of International Transport Forum, along with international drivers, managers are also expected to undergo a special training.


All the projects to be implemented are designed to ensure the safety of transportation, to form a healthy competitive environment among carriers.