Deputy Minister Rahman Hummatov met with Japanese delegation

Deputy Minister Rahman Hummatov met with Japanese delegation

A Japanese delegation visited Azerbaijan to explore the possibilities of the Middle Corridor.


Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rahman Hummatov has today met with the delegation.


The meeting was attended by representatives of Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Japanese companies and the Embassy of Japan to Azerbaijan.


In his speech, Deputy Minister Rahman Hummatov noted that reciprocal visits serve to further enhance cooperation in the field of transport between our countries.


Rahman Hummatov gave extensive information about the possibilities of the Middle Corridor and said that in addition to the development of physical infrastructure, it is necessary to take measures such as harmonization of tariff policy, facilitation of border crossing procedures and digitalization of the corridor.


The deputy minister added that together with Turkey and Georgia, efforts have been stepped up to complete the construction of the Baku–Tbilisi–Kars railway line, which is of vital importance in the Middle Corridor, and to consistently increase the throughput capacity.


At the same time, Rahman Hummatov gave detailed information on the importance of the Zangezur Corridor.


“The opening of the Zangazur Corridor will serve to expand international transport links,” the deputy minister stressed.


During the meeting, it was noted that the digitalization of the Middle Corridor is one of the most important means in terms of transparency in transit traffic and ensuring equal conditions for carriers.


Confidence was expressed that the Middle Corridor will become a competitive, intensively used route with joint efforts and efficient cooperation of the countries located along the corridor.