Coordination Council of “State Program on implementation of National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan Republic in 2016-2020” holds its first meeting

Coordination Council of “State Program on implementation of  National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan  Republic in 2016-2020” holds its first meeting

The Coordination Council of “State Program on implementation of the National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan in 2016-2020” held its first meeting in the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies (MCHT) on November 23.


The challenges ahead and current issues were discussed at the meeting, which was held with the participation of authorized representatives of ministries, committees, agencies and other bodies responsible for the implementation of the State Program.


Speaking at the meeting, First Deputy Minister of Communications and High Technologies, Chairman of the Coordination Council Ali Abdullayev spoke about the attention and care of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). Ali Abdullayev noted that the State Program adopted serves to the development of ICT in the country and expand the use of its opportunities. Highlighting the measures envisaged in the State Program, he brought to the attention of the participants of the meeting the need for their timely and quality execution. Saying for this purpose internal action plan was worked out in the MCHT, the First Deputy Minister said it is expedient for each structure to work out and approve a relevant plan.  


Then the participants exchanged views on upcoming challenges and ongoing activities, relevant decisions were made. During the meeting it was decided to provide regular information on the work done to the secretariat of the Coordination  Council  by the bodies responsible for the implementation of the State Program  and create a relevant archive in the secretariat.


Note that with the aim of expanding the information society in our country, “National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan Republic in 2014-2020” was approved by the order of  President  of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. In order to ensure the implementation of the main goals and duties envisaged in the strategy, “State Program for the implementation of the National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan Republic in 2016-2020” was approved by order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 20, 2016.


The coordination of the implementation of measures envisaged in the State Program has been entrusted to the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies. In order to fulfill the assigned tasks, Coordination Council consisting of representatives of bodies responsible for the implementation of the State Program has been created by the order of the Ministry .