Conference on “Road transport – new concept of regulation” held

Conference on “Road transport – new concept of regulation” held

Conference on the theme “Road transport – new concept of regulation” was held in Baku Expo Center on June 11, within the framework of the 17th Caspian international exhibition “Transport, Transit and Logistics” TransCaspian / Translogistica 2018.The conference was dedicated to the activities of the State Road Transport Service (SRTS) under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.


Speaking at the Conference, chief of the State Road Transport Service Habib Hasanov informed the participants on the new service principles.


According to him, in order to improve the state regulation and control mechanisms in the field of road transport in accordance with the international best practices, drafts of a number of normative legal acts have been developed and submitted for their intended purpose.


The SRTS chief also noted the expansion of the possibilities of using modern information and communication technologies (ICT) in the relevant field. Providing services in electronic form will ensure transparency, improve the quality of services rendered to citizens and entrepreneurs, minimize the relations between officials and citizens.


Habib Hasanov also stressed that in order to improve the taxation used in passenger and freight traffic, consultations are under way with the Ministry of Taxes. It is envisaged to ensure full and timely collection of taxes, as well as strengthen the fight against tax evasion by using of modern ICT in this area.


In addition, a comprehensive measures plan was developed to update the motor vehicle fleet and reduce the average lifetime of transport up to 10 years in the next five years. The plan, in particular, provides for a number of incentive measures aimed at increasing the interest of carriers, including entrepreneurs who work on regular low-income passenger routes, in updating their fleet of vehicles.


During the conference, it was also noted that activities were carried out in the area of intercity and international passenger transportation, formulation of proposals to develop and ensure the movement of buses on the principle of “from bus station to bus station” and the work done in the direction of opening auto stations in several parts of the capital in accordance with demand.


The event participants were also informed that reconstruction work is under way on the territory of Baku International Bus Terminal complex in order to ensure safe and comfortable movement of buses, cars, taxis and passengers, including tourists coming to our country. Furthermore, it was emphasized that work is being carried out to improve the system of unified online ticket sales for intercity passenger traffic.


The conference also noted the level of use of the broad transport and logistics capabilities of the country by local carriers involved in international cargo transportation is unsatisfactory. About 2000 vehicles are in operation by local carriers, of which only 1239 meet modern requirements.


Moreover, it was also noted that the drafts of a number of normative legal acts on the application of the provisions of the Quality Charter adopted within the framework of the International Transport Forum, of which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a member, have been developed and submitted for their intended purpose. The application of these provisions will positively contribute to facilitating access of national road hauliers participating in international transport to the European transport services market.


Conference participants were also informed about the development of proposals for improving the material and technical base of the educational and training center operating under the SRTS. It was also noted that through the organization of this training center in accordance with the requirements of the Charter of Quality of the International Transport Forum, it is planned to acquire the rights to issue international certificates that are of particular importance for both drivers and managers.


The conference concluded with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the State Road Transport Service under the Ministry of Transport and Communications and High Technologies and Azerbaijan Technical University.