Caspian Energy Transport Forum forum held

Caspian Energy Transport Forum forum held

Key issues and problems of the transport sector were discussed at a special session of the Caspian Energy Forum organized in Baku today, on September 20 by Caspian European Club and Caspian American Club with the participation of Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ramin Guluzade.


Speaking at the business forum, Ramin Guluzade informed participants on measures taken for further development of the transport sector, improvement of relevant infrastructure, plans and prospects.


Ramin Guluzade thanked the club management for the opportunity created for effective dialogue between state and entrepreneurs, saying the ministry is always open for discussions with entrepreneurs and public organizations representing them. According to the Minister, such discussions are very useful in terms of development of entrepreneurship and solution of challenges facing them, as well as development of partnership relations between transport authorities and business structures.


According to Ramin Guluzade, currently there are good opportunities to strengthen the potential of Azerbaijan’s transport and road complex and turn into a major transport hub in the region.


As you know, Azerbaijan is the initiator and participant of many projects on the development of Eurasian transport links passing through the Caucasus. The construction of the new Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, the new Baku International Sea Trade Port and the International Logistics Center as a link  enhancing the importance of the transport corridor of Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) may be cited as an example. Moreover, it can also be noted the commissioning of new airports, renewal of the road and railway infrastructure, purchase of modern ferry and tankers and so on.


These projects will provide the revival of the Silk Road and the creation of more efficient transport links in the region. East and West and North-South transport corridors will facilitate the transit traffic and attract additional cargo flows,” said the Minister.


Ramin Guluzade also noted that today issues such as development of entrepreneurship and private sector in transportation, as well as personnel training in accordance with the modern requirements are of particular importance.


Protection of environmental requirements during the preparation and implementation of projects in the transport sector and in general, the environmental impact of transport activities should be kept in the centre of attention.


“I believe that the improvement of the quality of transportation services and the creation of a new transport system capable of meeting all modern requirements should be priorities,” said Ramin Guluzade.


The meeting also focused on ways to expand cooperation with the private sector and issues related to member companies of Caspian European Club and Caspian American Club were also discussed.


First Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Caspian European Club and Caspian American Club, Telman Aliyev expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies and especially to Minister Ramin Guluzade for active participation in solving problems of businessmen and members of the Caspian European Club and Caspian American Club and prompt reaction to the constructive dialogue.


Telman Aliyev recalled that the Caspian European Club was established in June 2002 with the support of the largest oil and gas companies operating in the Caspian-Black Sea region. His Excellency  President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev is the Chairman of the Caspian European Club. Telman Aliyev noted that the initiative to create Caspian American Club also  belongs to the Azerbaijani President.


“The Caspian European Club takes an active part in economic reforms implemented in Azerbaijan, attracting foreign investments to the country, and developing small and medium-sized businesses. Besides, the Club plays an important role in establishing international economic ties between the states of the Caspian-Black Sea and Baltic regions,” said Telman Aliyev.


“It is noteworthy that we are holding a transport forum on the anniversary of the signing of the “Contract of the Century”. The forum is associated with the transition from the oil sector to the non-oil sector, especially the ICT sector and transport,” he added.


According to Telman Aliyev, the Caspian European Club  will organize similar forums in other sectors of the economy by the end of the year.


“Caspian American Forum Baku 2017, to be held on December 8, 2017, will bring together more than 300 representatives from companies representing the countries of the Americas, as well as the Caspian-Black Sea, Mediterranean and Baltic regions,” said Telman Aliyev.


He also said that Caspian Energy Georgia has been representing the interests of the Caspian European Club, Caspian American Club and Caspian Energy International Media Group in Georgia since September.


“Within the framework of the renewal of Caspian Energy Georgia, the 5th International Caspian Energy Forum will be held in March 2018 with the support of the governments of Georgia and Azerbaijan, as well as the Caspian European Club. Georgian Prime Minister Georgy Kvirikashvili is expected to attend the opening of the forum,” Telman Aliyev concluded.


Some 200 businessmen from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Iran, EU, as well as representatives of international organizations and heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Azerbaijan took part in the Caspian Energy Transport Forum.


In the afternoon, the sixth CEO Lunch Baku was held. Telman Aliyev noted that the Caspian European Club and Caspian American Club organizes CEO Lunch on the third Wednesday of each month in Baku with the participation of CEIBC top managers. Telman Aliyev said that the next CEO Lunch will be held within the framework of the Caspian Energy Tourism Forum in Baku on October 18, 2017. He also recalled that the first CEO  Lunch, to be held in Tbilisi on September 29 this year, will be held on the last Friday of every month on a regular basis.


Within the framework of the forum, the challeges faced by entrepreneurs in an informal surroundings  were discussed, answers were given to their questions in doing business in various regions of the country, and proposals in connection with the expansion of cooperation in various spheres of economy were also discussed.


In conclusion, certificates were awarded to the companies that were part of the Caspian European Club and the Caspian American Club and companies continuing their activities here.