Baku to host International E-Trade Forum

Baku to host International E-Trade Forum

The E-Trade Forum will be held in Baku on 24-25 September 2018 at the initiative of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies with the support of the European Union and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.


Over 300 local and foreign representatives are expected to attend the international event "Baku E-Trade Forum 2018".


The Forum, to be organized for the first time in Azerbaijan, will be held with a view to assisting the development of e-trade in the country. The event will be attended by small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, startups providing services in the areas of electronic trade, electronic payments and logistics, as well as representatives of government bodies and international agencies engaged in the development of various aspects of e-trade.


The Forum will serve as an international platform for re-considering relevant recommendations on the development of e-trade in the region and identification of practical applications.


Within the framework of the Forum, various sessions will be organized on 7 key areas identified by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development for the development of e-trade.


Representatives of the European Union, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Trade Centre, the International Telecommunication Union, the Universal Postal Union and other international organizations and well-known international experts in the field of e-trade will make presentations at the sessions.


The Forum will also feature an exhibition of local startups engaged in e-trade.


To participate in the event, you need to register on the official website of the Forum at