Baku hosts third meeting of Azerbaijani-Estonian intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation

Baku hosts third meeting of Azerbaijani-Estonian intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation

The third meeting of the Azerbaijani-Estonian intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation was held in Baku on April 6-7.


From the Azerbaijani side, the commission was headed by Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Ramin Guluzade, from the Estonian side Minister of Public Administration of Estonia Mihhail Korb.


The composition of the delegations from both sides included representatives of various state structures.


Issues of cooperation in industry and energy, transport, information and communication technologies (ICT), finance, customs, taxes, agriculture, environment, youth policy, education and research, social security and culture were discussed at the meeting.


The meeting of the intergovernmental commission is aimed at further strengthening the economic cooperation between the two countries. 


A protocol was signed following the meeting.


A business forum was organized within the framework of the meeting of the commission, by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies and Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (Azpromo).


At the business forum, the sides discussed the current state and future prospects for cooperation between entrepreneurs of the two countries in various spheres of the economy, and new business relations were established.


It should be noted that within the framework of the visit of the Estonian delegation led by Minister of Public Administration Mihhail Korb to Azerbaijan, meetings were held in various state structures and discussions were held with government officials.