Azerbaijani projects under brand Made in Azerbaijan submitted to WSIS Prize 2019

Azerbaijani projects under brand Made in Azerbaijan submitted to WSIS Prize 2019

A number of Azerbaijani projects have been submitted to the international contest of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) “World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes 2019”.


The projects implemented by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, the programs and applications developed by the  specialists of the ministry’s  subordinate bodies  have  won the right to participate in the contest in various categories.


Several projects developed by our local specialists have already been selected by the Organizing Committee and submitted to a vote.


18 winning projects, as well as 72 champion projects will be determined during online voting, which will last until February 10.


Winners will be announced at the WSIS Forum to be held from 8 to 12 April 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.


It should be noted that the World Summit on the Information Society has been held since 2004 by the International Telecommunication Union – a specialized agency of UN for information and communication technologies.


To win national projects under the brand Made in Azerbaijan, they need to get high results in online voting.


The nominees are the following projects: “I2B -From Idea to Business”  (1st category) or “Appeal Board Complaint System” (1st category), “Open Data” (3rd category ),  “Speaking Library” ( 6th category), “Mobile Signature” (7th category),  “Centralized Accounting System” (8th category ),  and “ARİS” (7th category ).


Two of Azerbaijani projects have been submitted to a vote in the 1st category (I2B - From Idea to Business and Appeal Board Complaint System) and 7th category (ARİS and Mobile Signature). However, according to the rules, you can cast your vote for one project in each of categories.


Projects iQrex (8th category ) and “Healthy Support Living Platform” (10th category ), which are  residents of the High-Tech Park of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies are also participating in the online voting.


By actively participating in online voting, we can contribute to the victory of our projects.


You can participate in the voting by clicking on the link below: