Azerbaijani delegation taking part in ITU Council meeting

Azerbaijani delegation taking part in ITU Council meeting

The annual session of the Council of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) began its work at the headquarters of the organization in Geneva on May 15. Azerbaijani delegation is also participating in the meeting.


The Council is the supreme body of ITU, the annual session evaluates the activities of the organization in the past year, approves  reports, sets plans for a new one-year  term.


Only 48 of 193 ITU member countries are members of the Council, Azerbaijan was elected a member to the Council in 2014.


Azerbaijani delegation  is taking an active part in the meeting of the Council, making proposals on the agenda, as well as holding  numerous  meetings.


Today is the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day and in accordance with the theme of this date, a meeting is being held on the theme “Big Data for Big Impact”. The use of the potential of big data for development and the opportunity to convert large quantities  of data into information for development are being discussed at the meeting.


The meeting will run until May 25.