Azerbaijan represented at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

Azerbaijan represented at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

A delegation headed by Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Ramin Guluzade visited the city of Barcelona, Kingdom of Spain  to attend the GSMA Mobile World Congress.


The GSMA Mobile World Congress is a platform, which brings  together  representatives of public and private sectors from many countries around the world, regulatory bodies, as well as relevant  sectoral international organizations  to discuss major development trends in the mobile communications industry.


It is already 10 years, the Ministerial Programme, Mobile World Summit, exhibitions, conferences and a series of seminars have been held within the framework of the congress in Barcelona.


During the event, along with the participation in the Ministerial Programme, Minister Ramin Guluzade has also held bilateral meetings with the leaders of a number of global telecommunication companies.


Issues such as new technologies presented at the event, their application in our country, cooperation with world’s technology giants as well as attraction of investment into Azerbaijan’s  ICT sector  were discussed at the meetings.


The GSMA Mobile World Congress was dedicated to discussing various topics related to mobile communications and information and communication technologies (5G, mobile money, mobile marketing and advertising, Internet of Things, personalization  and  demand and supply   economy, graphene  revolution, new security paradigms, humanitarian ties and mobile industry, wearable  technologies, network security, smart cities, innovative solutions, etc.).


Heads of giant companies such as  AT&T, China Telecom, Deutsche Telecom, Facebook, Google, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, Ericsson, Etisalat Group, Intel, Huawei, Nokia, MTS, Orange, PayPal, Philips, Samsung, Turkcell, Vodafone and others  made  speeches at the relevant sessions.