200 years pass since establishment of postal communications in Azerbaijan

200 years pass since establishment of postal communications in Azerbaijan

Today marks the 200th anniversary of the establishment of postal communications in Azerbaijan.


The first post office was opened in Ganja on June 1, 1818. Later, mailing departments were established in Baku in 1826 and in Nakhchivan in 1828.


And in the period of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the Post and Telegraph Agency was established.


The most difficult and at the same time the most honorable period of Azerbaijani post dates to the years of the Second World War. In those years, the number of mail items and soldier’s letters increased and their timely delivery to addresses demanded responsibility and will.


In 1945, a Mailing Department was organized. This contributed to the movement, preservation and control of international postal items.


In the 70-80s of the last century great leader Heydar Aliyev paid special attention to the postal sphere. It is no coincidence that at that time over 300 post office buildings were built in the republic.


At the end of the 20th century, after the collapse of the USSR and the independence of the republic, postal communications in Azerbaijan entered a new period of development.


Today, the national postal operator Azerpost LLC, which provides high-quality postal and financial services, has the largest service network throughout the country.

At present, Azerpost LLC has 70 branches, including 63 regional / city branches, 7 regional communication centers, the Postal Delivery Center, Azerexpresspost telecommunications  agency, the Central Office of Special Communications and  the Technical Service Center. 1497 post offices (including 1141 rural post offices) under the control of postal branches provide services to the population and legal entities.


Azerpost LLC, which is a member of a number of influential specialized organizations, was awarded 9 times in a row the certificate of gold level of the EMS (Express Mail Service) of the Universal Postal Union among operators in more than 160 countries.


It is also worth noting that the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies launched the project “Shebeke” on February 10, 2017.


Sending and receiving letters, telegrams, parcels, small packages and parcels, providing high-speed postal services, postal and financial operations, money transfers, receiving utility bills, insurance payments and others are implemented in the traditional post offices, the services provided by the structures of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies are presented in a single place - in the “Shebeke” service centers.


In addition to traditional telecommunications and postal services, Shebeke” service centers provides banking and financial, and also tourism services, such as  sales of  air tickets. The Centers also implements sales of international and local payment cards, compulsory insurance policies, electronic signatures, envelopes, postage stamps and postcards, provide money transfer services, budget and utility payments, payments on the State Mortgage Fund, registration of mobile devices.


At the moment, there are 7 “Shebeke” service centers in the country. 5 of them are located in Baku - Sabail, Yasamal (2), Binagadi and Khazar districts. The other two are in Jalilabad and Zagatala.


Work is currently underway to ensure coverage of all districts of Baku city  with  “Shebeke”  service centers. At the next stage, it is planned to open “Shebeke” service centers in other major cities and regions of Azerbaijan.